How Much Does It Cost to Design a Mobile App?

Designing a mobile app is an exciting venture, but one that comes with a host of considerations, one of the most pressing being the cost. Whether you're a startup founder with a groundbreaking app idea or a business looking to expand its digital footprint, understanding the factors that affect mobile app design costs is crucial.

How much does it cost to design an app? In this article, we'll break down the key elements that influence the financial aspect of creating a mobile app.

Factors That Affect the Cost of App Design

When estimating the cost of designing a mobile app, it's essential to consider a range of factors that can have a significant impact on your budget. Here's an in-depth look at these key factors:


The choice of platforms is one of the first and most critical decisions you'll make in app design.

There are two main platforms, iOS and Android, each requiring specific development considerations and associated expenses. Designing and developing for each platform can be costlier. On the other hand, opting for a cross-platform approach is generally more budget-friendly. However, for extensive applications with intricate functionality, it's important to note that during later stages of development, especially concerning the application's core development rather than its design, there might be constraints on the cross-platform application's performance capabilities.

Learn more about various platforms for building of APIs here.

App Complexity

The complexity of your app plays a pivotal role in determining the cost. It defines the number of features, screens, and interactions within the app. Here's a breakdown of complexity levels:

  • Basic Apps: These apps are simple in nature, typically serving as utility apps or information providers with few features and screens. Their mobile app design costs  are lower.
  • Medium Complexity Apps: Apps with moderate features, user interactions, and some level of customization fall into this category. The design cost for these apps is moderate.
  • Highly Complex Apps: Feature-rich apps with advanced functionalities, real-time features, integrations with external services, and a high degree of user interaction are the most expensive to design. These apps require extensive design and development efforts, and high app design costs.

Team Type

Choosing the right team structure can also influence costs. Here are different team types to consider:

In-House Team

An in-house team consists of full-time employees working directly for your company. While it provides a high level of control over the design process, it may involve higher overhead costs such as salaries, benefits, and office space.

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Local Design Agency

Hiring a local design agency allows you to access professional expertise in app design. However, app design cost may vary due to the hourly rates and project management fees.


Freelancers offer flexibility and can be an effective solution in terms of the cost of designing an app. However, managing multiple freelancers and ensuring their skills align with your project requirements can be a challenging task.

Outsourcing Agency

Outsourcing to a specialized agency, particularly in countries with lower labor costs, can reduce app design price and other expenses. Communication and time zone differences should be considered when choosing this option.


Visual Designs

The visual design of your app, including the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design, is a significant component of app development costs. It's important to consider:

  • Custom UI Design: Opting for a fully custom user interface design adds uniqueness to your app, but it also requires more time and resources, increasing the cost of designing an app.
  • Pre-designed Templates: Using pre-designed templates or UI kits can save time and money. However, these templates may not be as unique as a custom design, and you'll need to ensure they align with your brand and app's functionality.
  • User Experience (UX): Good UX design is crucial for user satisfaction and retention. The complexity of the user experience you aim for will affect costs. A more intricate and user-friendly UX may require additional design efforts.
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Illustrations and Animations

The inclusion of custom illustrations and animations can add depth and engagement to your app. However, these elements also contribute to the app design price:

  • Custom Illustrations: Creating custom illustrations or graphics for your app can make it stand out. The more detailed and unique the illustrations, the higher the design cost.
  • Animations: Adding animations, such as transitions, loading animations, or interactive elements, can improve the overall user experience. However, the creation of animations requires additional design work and can increase design costs.


The specific features and functionalities you want to include in your app significantly influence costs. Consider the following:

  • Core Features: Defining and focusing on the core features that are essential for your app's functionality can help control costs. It also allows for a quicker time to market.
  • Advanced Features: Advanced features such as real-time chat, geolocation services, complex data processing, and third-party integrations will increase development and design costs due to their complexity.
  • Scaling for Future Features: Consider the potential for future feature additions. Designing your app architecture with scalability in mind can save costs down the line. It's more cost-effective to make preparations for future expansions during the initial design phase.
  • Testing and Quality Assurance: As functionality increases, so does the complexity of testing and quality assurance. Extensive testing is essential to ensure the app works correctly, but it can add to the budget. Comprehensive testing helps prevent post-launch issues and costly fixes.

Balancing the level of visual design, illustrations, animations, and functionality with your available budget is a crucial part of the app design process. Additionally, your app's target audience and competition in the app marketplace will also influence design decisions and associated costs.

In the following sections, we'll explore how each phase of the app design process—discovery, design, and development—affects cost of app design.

What is the Effect of the App Design Process on Costs?

Understanding how each phase of the app design process influences costs is essential for budget management and project planning. Let's explore these phases and their impact on the overall cost:

Discovery Phase

The discovery phase is the initial stage of app design and development, where the project's scope, requirements, and objectives are thoroughly defined. The primary goals of this phase are to minimize uncertainty and reduce the likelihood of costly changes later in the project. Here's how the discovery phase affects mobile app design price:

  • Upfront Investment: While the discovery phase incurs an initial cost, it is a crucial investment that can save money in the long run. By thoroughly understanding project requirements and potential challenges, you can make informed decisions and avoid costly pivots or revisions during the design and development phases.
  • Scope Clarity: The discovery phase helps in defining the project scope accurately. By clearly identifying what the app should and should not do, you can avoid unnecessary design and development efforts that can inflate costs.
  • Risk Mitigation: Identifying potential risks and challenges early allows for risk mitigation strategies. This reduces the likelihood of costly issues emerging later in the project.

Design Phase

The design phase encompasses the creation of the app's UI and UX design, as well as the visual concept of the app. It significantly influences how users interact with and perceive your app. How much does it cost to design an app? Here's how the design phase affects costs:

  • Quality of Design: The level of detail, intricacy, and uniqueness in the UI and UX design can substantially impact costs. Fully custom designs typically cost more but can result in a more polished and unique app.
  • Iterations and Revisions: The design phase may involve multiple iterations and revisions to fine-tune the app's visual aspects. These revisions can add to the project's cost and timeline.
  • User Testing: Conducting user testing during the design phase can help identify issues early, reducing the cost of fixing them post-development.

Development Phase

The development phase is where the designs are translated into a functional app. The complexity of the app's features, integrations, and development requirements can significantly affect costs:

  • Complexity of Features: Highly complex features, real-time capabilities, or third-party integrations often require more development time and resources, contributing to higher costs.
  • Quality Assurance: The development phase includes extensive testing and quality assurance to ensure the app works correctly. While this is essential, it can add to the budget. Comprehensive testing helps prevent post-launch issues and costly fixes.
  • Timeliness: Delays in the development phase due to unforeseen issues can increase costs. Effective project management and a well-defined scope from the discovery phase can help mitigate such delays.
  • Scalability: Designing the app with scalability in mind can save costs in the long term. When an app is designed to accommodate future expansions, it reduces the expense of significant architectural changes down the line.

Continuous Communication

Throughout all phases, communication and collaboration with your development team are key. Clear communication helps in understanding your goals, addressing any design or development challenges promptly, and avoiding misunderstandings that can lead to costly revisions.

By maintaining open lines of communication and keeping track of project progress, you can also address potential issues or scope changes early, minimizing the impact on the budget.

Remember that effective project management, regular progress updates, and adherence to the project's scope can help ensure that each phase of the app design process stays on budget and on schedule. Many of our clients always think in advance: how much does it cost to redesign an app? To do this costly, think about optimization.

In the following sections, we'll provide suggestions for optimizing your app design budget and offer a conclusion that ties all these elements together.

Suggestions for Lowering the Cost of App Design

Designing a mobile app can be a significant investment. There are strategies to optimize your app design budget without compromising the quality and functionality of your application. Here are practical suggestions for managing costs effectively:

Plan Carefully

Thorough planning is the cornerstone of a cost-effective app design process. Consider the following:

  • Detailed Requirements: Clearly define the requirements and objectives of your app. The more detailed your specifications are, the less room there is for misunderstanding and costly changes later in the project.
  • User-Centered Design: Prioritize user needs and preferences in the design process. An app that aligns with user expectations is less likely to require significant post-launch revisions.
  • Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to understand your target audience, their needs, and your competition. This insight can guide your design decisions and prevent costly design changes driven by shifting market trends.
  • Design Prototyping: Use design prototyping tools to create interactive, low-cost mockups of your app's interface. These prototypes can help validate design concepts and identify issues before full-scale development.

Focus on Basic Functionality

To manage costs effectively, prioritize core features and essential functionality:

  • MVP Approach: Consider launching a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) initially. An MVP includes the most basic features necessary to meet user needs. It allows you to release your app quickly, gather user feedback, and make informed decisions about subsequent feature development.
  • Feature Roadmap: Create a feature roadmap that outlines the planned features for your app. Prioritize essential features in the initial version and plan for additional features in future updates. This approach not only controls costs but also allows you to adapt to changing requirements.
  • Iterative Development: Embrace iterative development, where you continuously improve and add features based on user feedback. This approach reduces the upfront design and development costs, allowing you to refine your app over time.

Hire a Mobile App Design and Development Company

Professional expertise can streamline the app design process, saving both time and money:

  • Experience Matters: Experienced app design and development companies bring a wealth of knowledge and best practices to your project. They are equipped to handle various design challenges efficiently.
  • Quality Assurance: Professional teams often have established quality assurance processes, reducing the likelihood of post-launch issues that can be costly to fix.
  • Project Management: App design companies typically have effective project management structures in place. This helps ensure that the project stays on track and within the budget.
  • Comprehensive Services: Design and development companies often provide end-to-end services, reducing the need for managing multiple freelancers and ensuring that all aspects of the project work harmoniously.

Design for Multiple Devices

With the proliferation of different devices and screen sizes, it's crucial to design for versatility:

  • Responsive Design: Implement responsive design principles to create an app that adapts to various screen sizes and orientations. This approach eliminates the need to build separate apps for different devices, saving both time and money.
  • Cross-Platform Development: Consider cross-platform development frameworks that enable code sharing between different platforms, such as React Native or Flutter. This approach allows you to reach multiple platforms with a single codebase, reducing development and design costs.

Build for the Future

When designing your app, consider long-term goals and future growth:

  • Scalable Architecture: Design your app with scalability in mind, allowing it to accommodate future feature additions and user growth. This prevents costly architectural changes down the line.
  • Modular Development: Use a modular development approach, where you break your app into smaller, reusable components. This not only streamlines development but also makes it easier to introduce new features in the future.
  • Regular Updates: Keep your app up to date with regular updates and improvements. User feedback and changing market conditions may require adjustments, and continuous updates can help you stay competitive.

By adhering to these suggestions, you can optimize your app design budget while still delivering a high-quality product that meets user needs and expectations. Cost-effective design doesn't mean compromising on quality; rather, it involves smart planning and efficient use of resources.

How Can Axon Help You With Design for Applications?

When it comes to designing applications that not only meet but exceed your business objectives, partnering with a proven expert is paramount. That's where Axon, your trusted ally in app design, steps in. Our comprehensive services and dedicated team are here to streamline your app design process, providing you with top-notch solutions while keeping a watchful eye on your budget.

Ready to Collaborate?

Are you ready to elevate your app design to the next level? Contact Axon today to discuss your project, and let's work together to design an application that not only meets your budget but also propels your business to new heights.

In conclusion, Axon combines cutting-edge design expertise with a strategic focus on cost-effectiveness, helping you create applications that are not only visually stunning but also optimized for success. It's time to partner with Axon and take your app design to the next level. Contact us today and unlock the potential of your app in the digital landscape.

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